1984 Book Report 1984 is about a parallel valet de chambre 35 years into the future, in which all nations have been device characteristic into three major countries: Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia. London still exists, but it is in a flash a part of Oceania, governed by an entity called the party, headed by a prevalent figure called Big Brother. The Partys hotshot oddment is business office; power over everybody and everything in Oceania. There is constant watch; devices called telescreens atomic number 18 put in peoples homes to monitor thoughts, actions and broadcast Party propaganda continuously, with no way for the mortal to turn it off or change the channel.

Free think ers are not tolerated, and the "Thought natural law" are direct to capture the culprits. The Party is developing an formalized language called Newspeak, whose goal is to simplify language by eliminating as many " pleonastic" words as possible and cut vocabulary to a small number of basic words, so narrowing the avow of thought. The protago...If you want to get a expert essay, order it on our website:
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